Teenage Mood Swings: What’s Normal and What’s Cause for Concern

Teenage Mood Swings: What’s Normal and What’s Cause for Concern

As parents, we often hear our teenagers say things like “you just don’t understand me” or “you’re so annoying,” and we may dismiss it as typical teenage behavior. However, it’s important to recognize that moodiness is just one symptom of a range of mental health concerns that can affect teenagers.

While moodiness is a common aspect of adolescence, it’s important to differentiate between normal teenage behavior and a more serious mental health issue. If you are concerned about your teenager’s emotional well-being, here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Intense or prolonged mood swings: Most teenagers experience mood swings, but if your teen’s moods are extreme or last for extended periods, it may be a sign of a more serious problem. If your teenager goes from extremely happy to deeply sad or angry within a short period, it may indicate an underlying mental health issue.
  2. Social withdrawal: If your teenager suddenly stops wanting to hang out with friends or family members, it could be a sign that they are struggling with depression or anxiety. They may feel like they don’t fit in, or they may be experiencing overwhelming emotions that make it difficult to interact with others.
  3. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns: Mental health issues can impact sleep and appetite. If your teenager is sleeping excessively or not sleeping at all, it may indicate an underlying problem. Similarly, if they are eating significantly more or less than usual, it’s worth exploring further.
  4. Risky behavior: Many teenagers engage in risky behavior, but if your teen is engaging in dangerous activities like driving under the influence, stealing, or drug use, it can be a sign that they may be struggling with deeper issues. Risky behavior can be a way to cope with underlying feelings of anxiety or depression.
  5. Self-harm or suicidal thoughts: If your teenager talks about wanting to hurt themselves or has engaged in self-harm behavior, it’s essential to take it seriously. Likewise, if your teenager talks about suicide or shows any signs of suicidal ideation, seek help immediately.

If you notice any of these signs in your teenager, it’s essential to get them the help they need. Speak to a mental health professional or your family doctor to get advice on what to do next. By recognizing the signs of a moody teenager, you can help your child get the help they need to address any underlying mental health concerns and support them through a challenging time in their life.

How ROWI Can Help

ROWI Teen & Parent Wellness Centers can help you and your teenager. Each of our clients receives a treatment plan that will support them in meeting their goals. Programs are individualized in order to meet each client and family where they are at in the process. To find out more, use our contact us form or call our Admissions Team at 805-356-3477, and one of our helpful coordinators will assist you in completing an application, scheduling an assessment, verifying your insurance, and get you, your family, and teen started on your journey to mental wellness.

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