Tips for Raising Happy, Healthy Teens

As your child approaches their teenage years, they will face a number of different challenges; both physiological and psychological. It can be difficult for your teen to navigate the variety of changes that face them from puberty and hormones to social issues like bullying and peer pressure. As a parent/caregiver, it can be just as difficult to find ways to support your teen as they move through their teenage years to ensure their health and happiness.

In order to provide support, it is important to understand the variety of challenges your teen may be facing. One of these challenges is puberty.  Puberty can begin as early as age 10 or as late as age 16. Males and females will experience a variety of physical changes including but not limited to hair growth, muscle growth, changes in voice, breast development, menstruation, and acne.  Other physical changes and challenges your teen may experience include changes in body shape; including height and weight. Oftentimes, when our physical appearance changes, we will experience psychological changes as well.

In addition to your teen experiencing vast bodily changes, they may also experience social and psychological issues. Socially, teens face issues of peer pressure, bullying, sexual activity, drug/alcohol use, social media pressure, etc. on a daily basis. When not properly coped with, these stressors and issues can lead to symptoms of anxiety, depression, risk-taking behaviors, and academic problems; to name a few.

All of these changes and challenges that come with growing may affect your teen’s mental health.

The below tips can provide ways to raise a happy, healthy teen:

  1. Praise/Acknowledgement
    • Does your teen feel loved? Do they know that you appreciate their positive efforts? The more you acknowledge and communicate what you like in your teen, the more likely they are to continue engaging in those behaviors.
  2. Healthy Habits (Routines and Boundaries)
    • Does your teen have a routine? Do they know how to set healthy boundaries with themselves and others? Does your teen spend hours glued to their electronic devices? Something as simple as ensuring that your teenager is on a consistent sleep schedule will set them up for success; academically and socially.
  3. Appropriate Communication/Validation
    • How often do you openly talk with your teen? More importantly, does your teenager feel heard? When we feel validated and listened to, we are more likely to open up and communicate more effectively.
  4. Healthy Relationships/Positive Modeling
    • Does your teen know what a healthy relationship looks like? Do they know how to express all of their emotions in a safe and appropriate way? How much time do you spend with your teen? One on one? As a family? Showing our teens what it means to be in a healthy relationship and how to communicate their needs is important in any individual’s journey to adulthood. What they experience as teens, will follow them in their various relationships.
  5. Provide Some Freedom and Trust
    • Do you trust your teenager? Allowing your teen to make their own choices and face the consequences (good and bad) for their choices will teach them how to navigate life’s many curveballs. Not only do choices allow for many teaching lessons, it also shows your teen that you trust them.

In addition to these tips, your teen may also benefit from mental health services specifically for teens. Mental health treatment can range from weekly, talk therapy to intensive, residential programs. It is important to talk with your teen and a mental health professional to determine an appropriate level of care.