Signs of Depression in Teens

Depression in teens can include these symptoms:

1. Suicidal Ideation (i.e. expressing thoughts/feelings related to harming oneself, engaging in self-injurious behavior)

2. Lack of Motivation (i.e. refusing to go to school)

3. Withdrawal (i.e. isolating, spending too much time in bedroom)

How ROWI can help:

1. Safety Planning/Monitoring: At ROWI we conduct multiple assessments and begin safety planning on day one! Assessments include the Columbia Suicide Risk Assessment and PHQ-9 depression inventory. Our clients continue to complete the PHQ-9 inventory on a weekly basis. This way, we can objectively monitor symptoms and assess for safety as needed. Additionally, all parents complete a Home Safety Agreement with Program Directors during the Parent Orientation Meeting upon admission.

2. Providing Structure/Containment: ROWI’s PHP and IOP programs provide structure and emotional containment within a therapeutic environment. This alone provides a tremendous amount of therapeutic value. Humans require structure and containment in order to obtain/maintain motivation towards goals. The therapeutic environment is made up of trained professionals with a high staff to client ratio. We provide a safe, understanding, and supportive environment in order to help clients and families reach their goals.

3. Social Engagement With Client Milieu: At ROWI, clients naturally form therapeutic relationships with staff and within the client milieu. Clients’ engagement with each other are always monitored/supervised by staff. Other factors include, knowing you’re not alone, empathizing/supporting others, receiving support, and being a part of something.

Contact us to learn more and to get support for your teen struggling with depression.